Dragnet Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers

Have you ever set your mouth on fire by biting into a chilli pepper? The sensation is caused by capsaicin, a chemical compound that stimulates the mouth’s pain receptors, which in turn tell the brain you’ve eaten something hot. The body reacts by perspiring and releasing endorphins, the “feel-good” effect of which perhaps accounts for spicy food’s appeal. The first scale for measuring a chilli’s heat was developed in 1912 by the chemist Wilbur Scoville. Scoville Heat Units refer to the number of times a chilli must be diluted before it is undetectable to tasters. The world’s hottest chilli, the Indian naga jolokia, measures 970,000 SHU. Today a chilli’s heat can be measured more accurately using high-pressure liquid chromatography, a technique that calculates the concentration of capsaicin in a solution. Humans have consumed chillies for over 8,000 years; they were first cultivated 6,000 years ago in South and Central America. In the late 15th century Christopher Columbus introduced chillies to the rest of the world via Spain, where they were called peppers because they were spicy like peppercorns. In addition to their culinary uses, chillies have long been prized for their medicinal properties. Scientific studies show that capsaicin may lower blood pressure and aid weight loss. Capsaicin has traditionally been used in tropical analgesics, however new research indicates that the compound may actually be carcinogenic


Which two of these statements must be true?

(Cannot say) Chilli peppers are only indigenous to South and Central America.
The passage does not explicitly state this fact. While they were first cultivated in South and Central America, wild chillies could have been found in other countries

(True) The scale developed by Wilbur Scoville is inherently subjective.
This is true because it involves human tasters, and is therefore subjective

(Cannot say) Capsaicin is actually carcinogenic
This is not a fact because the passage says the compound may be carcinogenic

(True) Columbus introduced chillies to the world via spain
Very true – as seen in line 13

The Dead Sea Scrolls are probably the most significant archaeological discovery of the twentieth century. More than 800 ancient documents, written on papyrus and parchment, were found in 1947 in desert caves at Qumran, near the Dead Sea. The texts mainly date from between the last century BCE and the first century CE and are comprised of three types of document: copies of books from the Hebrew Bible; apocryphal manuscripts; and documents pertaining to the beliefs and practices of a sectarian community. The former category is arguably of the greatest academic
significance, as documents such as a complete copy of the Book of Isaiah enabled historians to analyse the accuracy of Bible translations. However, the secrecy of the scholars appointed by the Israeli Antiquities Authority, and their slow rate of publication, were the subject of international controversy. In 1991, the Huntington Library made photographic images of the full set of scrolls finally available to all researchers. While the scrolls’ importance is indisputable, there is no consensus over the texts’ origins. The traditional view is that the scrolls belonged to an ascetic Jewish sect, widely believed to be the Essenes. The Essenes’ rules and doctrines are even seen by some scholars as a precursor to Christianity. A competing theory holds that the documents are sacred texts belonging to various Jewish communities,
hidden in the caves for safekeeping around 68CE, during the unsuccessful Jewish Revolt against the Romans in Jerusalem.


Which two of these statements must be true?

(Cannot say) The Dead Sea Scrolls include the oldest known copy of the Book of Isaiah.
While the Dead Sea Scrolls do include a copy of the Book of Isaiah and the 4th sentence suggests that the Bible books are the oldest known copies, the above statement was not expressly stated

(False) The Dead Sea Scrolls were written on parchment
This is false because it presents an incomplete information. Line 2 and 3 of the Passage states that they were written on both papyrus and parchment

(True) The text on scrolls had varying dates
This is true as seen in line 4 of the passage

(True) This passage summarises the difference between two main theories on the scroll
The passage summarises whether the scrolls are the detailed accounts of one particular sect and it provides historical information about the wider jewish people
This is seen in the final 3 sentence


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) The slow rate of publication by scholars caused controversy
Line 11 of the passage asserts this

(Cannot say) The Essenes inhabited the desert caves at Qumran near the Dead Sea.
While one theory states that the scrolls are thought to be Essence in origin, it does Not necessarily follow that the Essence lived in the caves.

(True) The Dead Sea scroll were found in 1947
This is true as seen in line 3

(Cannot say) A Sectarian community were in charge of keeping the scrolls
The passage never said this. Line 7 only said that part of the discovered document pertained to the beliefs and practices of the sectarian community


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) Both the origins and the process of the scrolls have been disputed
The fifth and sixth sentences describe controversy over the scholars’ work, while the 8th 9th and 10th sentences describe debate over the scrolls’ origins.

(False) The Dead sea scroll consist more than 3 types of documents
This is false because line 5 of the passage confirms that only 3 types of documents are found in the dead sea scroll

(True) The book of Isaiah aided the analyses of the bible translations accuracy
This is very true as seen in line 9

(False) The Hebrew bible were among the artefacts formed
This statement is false, because the passage informs us that it was copies of the Hebrew bible and not the Hebrew Bible as a whole that was discovered


Which two of these statements must be true?

(False) Dead Sea Scrolls is that they belonged to an early Christian sect called the Essenes
The Essence are described as an “ascetic jewish sect”. They may have been a Precursor to Christianity but they themselves were an ascetic Jewish sect

(Cannot say) Dead Sea scrolls are the most significant archaeological discovery in the 20th century
The passage never said this as a fact, rather it gave it as a statement of probability, as seen in line 1

(True) There are photographic images of the full set of scrolls
This is true as seen in line 12

(True) There are competing theories on the ownership of the ownership of the Dead Sea scroll
This is true as seen in the last 3 and 5 lines