Critical Reasoning Questions and Answers


Geraldine earns more than Maria. But since Sophie earns more than Anne, it follows that Geraldine earns more than Anne.
Which of the following statements does not support the conclusion above?


The first two statements give the following:
Geraldine > Maria
Sophie > Anne
Where > means ‘earns more than’.
Working through the answer statements gives the following:
A. Geraldine > Maria > Anne
B. Geraldine > Maria > Sophie > Anne
C. Sophie > Geraldine > Maria
D. Geraldine > Maria = Sophie > Anne
E. Geraldine = Sophie > Anne
A. Supports the conclusion that Geraldine earns more than Anne.
B. Supports the conclusion that Geraldine earns more than Anne.
C. Does not support the conclusion that Geraldine earns more than Anne.
D. Supports the conclusion that Geraldine earns more than Anne.
E. Supports the conclusion that Geraldine earns more than Anne.

Option C is the correct answer.


During the past four days over one hundred students at the university have reported symptoms of amoebic food poisoning, but only five students have tested positive for the condition. A public health inspector claims that this apparent outbreak can be attributed to a consignment of pork used by the refectory as an ingredient in a variety of meals served four days ago.

Which of the following statements best supports the health inspectors claims?


 A. This statement has no bearing on the health inspectors claims.

B. This statement has no bearing on the health inspectors claims.
C. This statement has no bearing on the health inspectors claims but suggests that more students may have contracted the disease than those who have already reported symptoms.
D. This statement has no bearing on the health inspectors claims. Just because students who are infected may not show symptoms does not alter the fact that they are infected.
E. This statement best supports the health inspectors claims as it suggests that many of the students who have reported symptoms would test positive if the test was carried out four days or more after the onset of symptoms.

Option E is correct.


The founder members of the European Union have comprehensive welfare systems to ensure that their citizens are cared for if they are unable to work. There is no reason why the countries which have recently joined the European Union should not provide similar welfare systems for their own citizens.

Which of the following, if true, would weaken the above argument?


Remember, in these types of question you are looking for the best answer.
A. This statement is true but does not weaken the argument.
B. This statement assumes that countries with larger populations find it more difficult to provide welfare systems. There is no evidence for this.
C. This statement is contentious and does not weaken the argument.
D. This statement is true but says nothing about the ability of these countries to provide welfare.
E. This statement best weakens the argument since countries with less developed economies are less likely to be able to afford comprehensive welfare systems.

Option E is correct.


Ian paid more for his car than did Simon.
Simon paid less for his car than did Hubert.
Peter paid more for his car than did Sarah.
Sarah paid the same amount for her car as did Hubert.

If the above information is true, which of the following must also be true?


On the basis of the given information, you can construct the following:
Peter > Sarah = Hubert > Simon
The position of Ian in the sequence cannot be determined other than to say that he paid more than Simon.
A. Need not be true because the position of Ian in relation to Peter is unknown.
B. Is obviously untrue.
C. Is the correct answer.
D. Need not be true because the position of Ian in relation to Hubert is unknown.
E. Need not be true because the position of Sarah in relation to Ian is unknown.

Option C is correct.

There is one other feature of this question that needs to be pointed out. Note that the form of the question statements is the same as the form of the answer options. When you are under pressure it is very easy to confuse the two lists, which means that you would be using one of the answer options to construct the sequence. If you see a question of this type, then cover the answer options until you have constructed the formula. Then compare the answer options to the formula one-by one.


Of the teams competing in the world archery championships, twenty percent are from Europe. Half as many are from the United States and one twentieth are from Africa.

What fraction of teams are from neither Europe, the US or Africa.


The fractions are calculated as follows:
Europe 20% = 4/20
United States 10% = 2/20
Africa 1/20
4/20 + 2/20 + 1/20 = 7/20 teams are from Europe, the US or Africa.
Therefore 13/20 must be from other countries.
Option A is correct.