Numerical Reasoning Questions and Answers

The table above shows the numbers of passengers flying from New York to four European capital cities by low cost airline SleazyJet. These numbers have been rounded to the nearest thousand. Use this information to answer the following questions.


Approximately, what fraction of passengers who travelled in Q4 2005 flew to Berlin?

Answer: C

Explanation: The number of passengers travelling in Q4 2005 was:
London 10,000
Paris 14,000
Rome 20,000
Berlin 7,000
This gives a total of 51,000 of whom 7,000 were travelling to Berlin.
This equates to (7,000/51,000 = 1/7.


How many more passengers travelled to Rome in Q2 2005 than in the same quarter the previous year?

Answer: E

Explanation: The number of passengers travelling in to Rome Q2 2004 was 12,000.
The number of passengers travelling in to Rome Q2 2005 was 13,000.
Therefore 1,000 more passengers travelled in Q2 2005.


What was the ratio of passengers travelling to London and Paris in Q2 2004?

Answer: B

Explanation: The number of passengers travelling in to London Q2 2004 was 18,000.
The number of passengers travelling in to Paris Q2 2004 was 10,000.
This equates to a ratio of 1.8:1


How many passengers travelled in Quarter 4 2004?

Answer: A

Explanation: The number of passengers travelling in Q4 2004 was:
London 11,000
Paris 14,000
Rome 13,000
Berlin 8,000
This gives a total of 46,000.

The table above shows the total sales figures for three models of SUV. It also shows the percentage of customers who specified additional equipment when buying from the dealer network. Use this information to answer the following questions.


How much extra profit would be generated if dealers doubled the number of Body Kits fitted when they sold a FreeRanger?

Answer: A

Eplanation: Twenty percent of the 10,804 FreeRangers sold (2,161) were fitted with body kits. The total revenue generated was 2,161 * $350 = $756,000. The profit margin on this is 30%, therefore (756,000/100) * 30 = ) $2,268. If dealers doubled the number sold then the additional profit would be $2,268.