Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers

The Etruscan civilization is the name given today to the culture and way of life of a people of ancient Italy whom ancient Romans called Etrusci, ancient Greeks called Tyrrhenoi and who called themselves Rasenna, syncopated to Rasna. As distinguished by its own language, the civilization endured from an unknown prehistoric time prior to the foundation of Rome until its complete assimilation to Italic Rome in the Roman Republic. At its maximum extent during the foundation period of Rome and the Roman kingdom, it flourished in three confederacies: of Etruria, the Po valley and Latium and Campania. Rome was placed in its territory. There is considerable evidence that early Rome was founded and dominated by Etruscans.


The Po valley is in Italy.

Answer : C


The Etruscan civilization became part of the Roman Republic.

Answer : A


The Etruscan civilization dates from the foundation of Rome.

Answer : B


Early Rome was founded and dominated by Etruscans.

Answer : A


The Etruscans called the Greeks the ‘Tyrrhenoi’.

Answer : B