KPMG Past Questions And Answers


In the square ABCD vertex A is at (-1, -1) and vertex C is at (4, 2). What is the area of square ABCD?


If x + 2y = a and x – 2y = b, which of the following is an expression for xy?


Let the length of the sides of a triangle be represented by x + 3, 2x – 3, and 3x – 5. If the perimeter of the triangle is 25, what is the length of the shortest side?

First we need to set up the equation: (x + 3) + (2x – 3) + (3x – 5) = 25, then we collect like terms: 6x – 5 = 25. Then we add 5 to each side: 6x = 30, divide each side by 6: x = 5. Plugging in 5 for x in the equation, we get the length of the sides: 8, 7, and 10, so 7 is the shortest side. The answer is (B).


The distance between Ali’s house and college is exactly 135 miles. If she drove 2/3 of the distance in135 minutes, what was her average speed, in miles per hour?

To find the average speed, in miles per hour, divide the distance, in miles, by the
time, in hours. Ali drove 9o miles 2/3 of 135 in 2.25 hours (135 minutes = 2 hours
and 15 minutes = 9/4 hours). Then 90 ÷ 2.25 = 40. The answer is (A).


In rectangle ABCD below, diagonal AC makes a 300 angle with side AD. If AC = 10, what is the area of the rectangle?