Laclic Services

Education Services / Research

Laclic Services
Laclic Services (Language Clinic) is a Linguistic service provider registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (BN 2453618) as a Foreign and Local Language coaching centre where we promote languages and culture.

We are a well-structured organization with experienced instructors that ensure our teaching directly benefits our clients. We also supply language aids, organise events and exhibitions, language tourism, etc.

We represent the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Nigeria with a global reach and promote knowledge of different Foreign Languages such as French, English, German, Hindi, Chinese and Arabic as well as indigenous languages: Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa hence promoting international cultural cooperation.

Our unique, immersion based programmes are designed to make you a proficient, confident communicator in any foreign language of your choice. This passion is in fulfillment with the Federal Government's target to bridge the gap of Foreign Languages in communicating with neighboring countries, business associates and friends all over the world.