Intern Recruitment at Diversiboard

 DiversiBoard is a platform to enable employers to find diverse technical talent from a broad international pool.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Position: Intern

Job Location: Nigeria
Employment Type: Internship

Job Description

  • DiversiBoard works to place highly qualified individuals with companies looking for diverse talent at no cost to the candidates.
  • Are you interested in a full-time, paid, remote 8-12 week internship with a company in the US, UK, or Canada? we will like to hear from you, please apply


  • Candidates should have strong grades.
  • Wide variety of academic subjects accepted - you may be a STEM student, a humanities student or a Social Science student.
  • We focus on critical thinking skills. Openings in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Engineering, Finance, Data Science, Research and Marketing
  • Recently graduated (graduated less than 5 years ago) or are going to be graduating shortly

Work Environment

  • Interns will work remotely with teams located in the US (New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Durham, Miami, Atlanta, or Austin), the UK (London or Cambridge), or Canada (Toronto, Waterloo, Vancouver, or Ottawa).
  • Internships will take place over an 8 to 12 week period. Due to these being remote positions, selected candidates will need to maintain a highspeed internet connection for the duration of their internship.

Note: Hours may vary based on time differences with overseas teams.