Atopet Automations Limited

Education Services / Research

Atopet Automations Limited® is a cutting-edge technology driven research, design and manufacturing Company. Our core area of interest is automation, embedded systems, robotics, control and instrument systems, mechatronics, electronics, electrical and computing, a blend of hardware and object oriented software.

Atopet Automations Limited® is registered (RC1222984) national provider of theoretical-industrial blended application services offering M2M solutions. We are keen at investing on conceptual ideas of foundation technology for “smart systems,” to develop innovative realities in Nigeria. Our company has an evolution of ICT-enabled technology laboratory and research and development centre for advanced smart systems development.

In Africa today, It is widely known that industrial automation processes and Integration system has continuously eluded many, ranging from secondary education to tertiary institution up to academic and technical professionals due to its perceived scarce knowledge and limited practical accessibility.

Atopet Automations Limited® is aimed at bridging this gap for starters, intermediate technical personnel and skilled professionals through our series of public training services. Our public training classes attempt to cushion the effect of long-lost /stagnant technical ability with state of the art facilities and equipment and hands-on application-based training approach.

We hope that you find our courses in alignment with your technical requirements and skill gaps. We also develop smart automated systems to meet our clients need.