
Engineering / Maritime

Lonadek Inc. is a multi-award winning ISO 9001: 2015 certified Engineering Technology and Innovation Solutions Company. Lonadek Inc. delivers value in the Energy, Power, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Mining, Oil and Gas sectors.

Lonadek Inc. offers Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) focused services through talent engagement in:

Engineering & Information Technology Solutions
Consultancy & Local Content Advisory Services
Training and Human Capital Development Initiatives
Lonadek invests time and effort in STEM focused career counseling, industry awareness, and youth empowerment through the Vision 2020: Youth Empowerment & Restoration Initiative (See: www.vision2020-ng.org ). To nurture the leaders of tomorrow, the Cedar STEM and Entrepreneurship Hub (CSEH) was set up to develop professionals and entrepreneurs. (See: www.thecedarcentre.org).

We look forward to developing a mutually rewarding business relationship with you to improve efficiency, productivity, and performance in your organization.