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YouWIN for Women: Job Opportunities for Women

YOUWIN for Women: Job Opportunities for Women

Company Info: 

YouWiN! stands for Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria. It is an innovative business plan competition aimed at job creation by encouraging and supporting aspiring entrepreneurial youth in Nigeria to develop and execute business ideas. The accomplishments of the 1,200 YouWiN! awardees were celebrated at the Presidential Villa on April 12, 2012.

YouWiN! Women is the second edition of the entrepreneurial scheme which is designed for only female entrepreneurs aged 45 years or less.

Required Qualification: 
  1. Your proposed business venture must be within the national borders of Nigeria, and with the intention of employing Nigerian citizens.
  2. Your proposed venture must not entail the production or distribution of weapons, alcoholic beverages, tobacco or/and gambling, or any activities in contradiction with the Nigerian constitution
  3. You must prepare an innovative business concept summary
  4. You must be a proven citizen of Nigeria and a woman no older than 45 years (proof of identity: International passport/Drivers License/National ID/Voters card required)
  5. You must have a post-secondary school qualification
How to apply: 

Register through the link below and submit your application.

Application Deadline: Sunday, October 14, 2012