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Account and Finance Intern Recruitment at Opacus

Opacus Technologies Limited is a technology company that builds ICT powered products and business lines to solve challenges faced by the poor and vulnerable that have differed popular alternatives. Opacus Technologies provides its services by building platforms with active user engagements that maximizes business visibility for these users.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Position: Account and Finance Intern
Job Location: Lagos


  • ProNoV is a product of Opacus Technologies Ltd (OpacusTech). ProNOV is a user friendly, business intelligence technology solution that helps retail pharmacy stores or Proprietary Patent Medicine vendors (PPMVs) in Nigeria manage their inventories to improve availability & affordability of critical life-saving drugs
  • Our Mission with ProNoV is to improve the profitability of micro-dispensaries or pharmacies that serve these people through a platform that fuses smart inventory management, bulk breaking (genuine, efficient supply chain) and financial services to the underbanked or unbanked ensuring positive economic and health outcomes.

Job Brief

  • The Accounting and Finance intern will be responsible for Invoicing, Inventory and tax filing for Opacus.


  • OND in Accounting
  • Strong academic results coupled with Finance and accounting interest/passion
  • Excellent collaboration skills and ability to work across diverse organizations and teams.
  • Good command of the English language and MS Office tools