
This job is not available for submitting application.

FIRS Recruitment Disclaimer

Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) - The attention of the Federal Inland Revenue Service, (FIRS), has been drawn to the fact that some persons have been parading themselves as agents, purportedly representing the FIRS in the ongoing recruitment exercise.

The Service wishes to state as follows:

  • That the FIRS HAS NOT appointed recruitment agents;
  • That recruitment for advertised positions is being directly handled by the FIRS. Applicants are advised to visit: or log in and apply for positions for which they are qualified;
  • That the recruitment is open to all qualified Nigerians;
  • That applicants are to note that recruitment in FIRS is FREE, COMPETITIVE and dependent on applicants' qualifications, skills and suitability for the Job;
  • That applicants are advised to be wary of persons pretending to be FIRS agents as the Service has not appointed any agent;
  • Applicants are encouraged to report such persons pretending to be agents or acting on behalf of FIRS on the recruitment to the police and other law enforcement agents;
  • Please note that FIRS will not be liable for any loss suffered by applicants or persons dealing with such unauthorised persons.
  • Members of the public are invited to note that application forr recruitment closes on 10th October, 2016.

Human Capital Management Department,
Federal Inland Revenue Service.