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First Bank of Nigeria Life Assurance massive recruitment

First Bank of Nigeria Life Assurance massive recruitment

FBN (First Bank of Nigeria) Life Assurance is a limited liability company licensed to transact life assurance businesses in Nigeria. The Company is jointly owned by First Bank of Nigeria PLC (65%) and the Sanlam Group, one of the
largest financial institutions in South Africa (35%) and it officially commenced operations on the 1st September 2010.

Drawing from the knowledge and experience of our owners, we intend to play a significant role in the development of the insurance industry in Nigeria. To achieve this, we are anchoring our operations on product innovation, efficient service delivery and prompt claim settlement.

The following Vacancies are available

Job title Location Date closing
Internal Audit Senior (Ref: FLIAS)
Years of Experience: 6 years
Internal Audit Associate (Ref: FLIAA)
Years of Experience: 4 years
Legal and Compliance Officer (Ref: FLLSCO)
Years of Experience: 1 year
Senior Actuarial Assistant (Ref: FLSAA)
Years of Experience: 4 years
Brokers Relationship Managers (Ref: FLBRM)
Years of Experience: 5 years
Administrative Manager (Ref: FILAO)
Years of Experience: 6 years
Commission Payment Officer (Ref: FLCPO)
Years of Experience: 1 year
Retail Branch Admin Officer (Ref: FLADP)
Years of Experience: 1 year
Retail Distribution Managers(Ref: FLAHRD)
Years of Experience: 6 years
Retail Admin Officer(Ref: FLRAO)
Years of Experience: 4 years
Corporate Strategy Officer(Ref: FLCSO)
Years of Experience: 1 year
Graduate Trainees(Ref: FLGT)
Years of Experience:

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